A truly Biblical worldview exhibits its unity and interrelatedness of all its areas.  “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One” (Deuteronomy 6:4).  As one works in areas of worldview (biblical ethics), he discovers a great deal of overlap.  For example, anthropology and psychology are virtually inseparable; faith, truth, and epistemology are so linked that they cannot be discussed separately; and, love, justice, righteousness, and punishment are central to all Biblical themes, indeed central to the message of salvation.  So, you will find many cross-references below and with articles on this site.  We hope that this design helps you to see the unity that is the truth and knowledge of the great God who is to be worshipped “in spirit and in truth.”  In fact, when you begin to see this interrelatedness of these areas, you will have taken a giant step towards understanding the fullness of Biblical worldview!

Worldview Areas

Click on the Worldview Area below or scroll down to see all the listings.

Psychology, Counseling, and Emotions

Natural Science and Technology

Creation (Cosmology)

Crime and Punishment


How to Reduce the High Cost of College Education by as Much as Eighty Percent!


Comprehensive worldview in medicine and medical ethics

Licensure of Medical Practice

Civil Government, Law, and Politics


Sociology and Social Justice

Anthropology and Salvation (Soteriology)

Economics and Business

Law, Love, Grace, and Justice

God’s Holiness, Law, Love, Grace, Mercy, Justice, and Equity

Truth, Philosophy, Epistemology, Logic, and Apologetics

Salvation and Saving Faith

History and Providence

Art and The Arts

Theology and Eschatology

Reconstruction and Theonomy: Reviews


Family, Marriage, Divorce, and Sexuality

Vocation and Career

The Church and The Kingdom of God

Mathematics, Numbers, Formulas, and Geometric Design