Chapter 1: Faith in Everyday Life and the Objective Bible
- Biblical Faith
- Knowledge
- Caveat: Knowledge and Faith
- Validity, Knowledge, and Truth
- Some More Caveats
- Some Conclusions
Chapter 2: Saving Faith
- Objective: Knowledge That Is Outside the Person
- The Subjective State of Regeneration (“Born-Again”)
- Experience and Acquired Knowledge
- Saving Faith as the Most Certain Knowledge That Can Be Known
Chapter 3: The Relevance of Saving Faith, Part I
- What Is Truth?
- Faith and Science
- Conclusions
Chapter 4: The Relevance of Saving Faith, Part II
- Faith and History
- Epistemology
- Psychology
- Medicine
- Sociology, Law, Government, and Economics
- Faith Is Logical Deduction
Chapter 5: Why Christians Differ over Biblical Faith (Truth)
- Spiritual Gifts
- Church Teaching and Experience
- Personality or Style of Thinking
- Biblical Knowledge
- Hermeneutics
- Life Experience
- Time of Conversion
- Use of the Work of Others
- Other Factors
- The Imperfection of Faith and the Fall
- How Can Imperfect Faith Save Anyone?
Chapter 6: Commentary on Some Key Verses about Faith
- Hebrews 11:6
- Hebrews 11:1
- Hebrews 6:4-6
- James 2:19
- Galatians 2:20
- Romans 12:3
- Ephesians 6:16
Chapter 7: Faith and Practice
- The Bent of the Life
- Repentance
- Continued Presence of Unbelief
- Seasons of Unbelief
Chapter 8: What Difference Does a Right Understanding of Faith Make?
- Praise of God
- Rest and Assurance
- Evangelism
- Prayer
- Use of Time
Chapter 9: Faith Applied to Historical Doctrines of the Church
- Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism
- Arminianism and Calvinism: Five Points of Each
- Transition to Pietism
Chapter 10: Faith: A Gift of God
- The Logical Argument
Chapter 11: Kinds and Degrees of Faith (final chapter)
- Temporary Faith
- Faith to Move Mountains (Miraculous Faith)
- Historical Faith
- Cheerfulness
- Degrees of Faith
Chapter 12: Additional Comments
- Child-like Faith