HH 2022

Missionary John Hunt Arrives in Fiji, 1838

Week of December 18
The year 1838 was auspicious in the life of John Hunt. In February he met two missionaries to the Islands of Fiji in the Pacific Ocean and heard of the rampant cannibalism there...

Missionary John Hunt Arrives in Fiji, 18382022-12-20T19:25:44+00:00

Roald Amundsen Arrives at the South Pole, 1911

Week of December 11
Norwegian explorer Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen lived almost at the other end of the world. He defied the predictions that he would end...

Roald Amundsen Arrives at the South Pole, 19112022-12-16T00:05:15+00:00

Anselm Appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, 1093

Week of December 4
Scholasticism is the term given to the theology of the Middle Ages (c.500-1500 AD). The Schoolmen “collected, analyzed and systematized" the...

Anselm Appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, 10932022-12-05T17:08:38+00:00

Gene Moran Falls from the Sky, 1943

Week of November 27
In war there are a million ways to die. Occasionally someone, by the providence of God, survives what killed almost 100% of men caught in the same situation. A Wisconsin farm boy, eager to enlist...

Gene Moran Falls from the Sky, 19432022-12-01T17:16:58+00:00

Death of Leo Tolstoy, 1910

Week of November 20
Several Russian novelists produced works that appear on almost every list of “the greatest novels ever written;” Count Lev Nickolayevich Tolstoy usually sits atop that list. On November 20, 1910...

Death of Leo Tolstoy, 19102022-11-22T17:08:39+00:00

The Edict of Nantes Proclaimed, 1598

Week of April 10
Several of the greatest preachers, evangelists and theologians of the Protestant Reformation were born in France, often writing in French as well as Latin. They pastored churches in France…

The Edict of Nantes Proclaimed, 15982022-10-27T21:04:47+00:00

The Battle of New Orleans, 1815

Week of January 2
If ever there was an international city in America, New Orleans was it. The city was founded by the French Mississippi Company in 1718, ceded to Spain as a result of the French and Indian War...

The Battle of New Orleans, 18152022-10-27T21:01:34+00:00

Birth of Theodore Roosevelt, 1858

Week of October 23
The birth of Theodore Roosevelt on October 27, 1858 presaged by one week the first ever capture of a branch of the federal government by the...

Birth of Theodore Roosevelt, 18582022-10-24T17:16:13+00:00
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