God Confronts Culture: The Almost Complete Biblical and Christian Worldview
Chapter 1: History and Providence
Events that Advanced God’s Plan for History
Puritans from Essay on Milton (excerpt)
History: The Great Deception or the Great Design?
Summary Principles
Chapter 2: Family, Marriage, Divorce, and Sexuality
Summary Principles
Chapter 3: Vocation and Career
Summary Principles
Chapter 4: Psychology, Counseling, and Emotions
Addiction As a Besetting Sin
A Definition of Emotions
True Guilt and Guilt Feelings:
Clearing the Confusion
Modern Psychology in the Church
Summary Principles of the Biblical Worldview of Psychology, Counseling and Emotions
Chapter 5: Creation
Population Control and the Creation Mandate
Summary Principles of Creation, The Fall, and The Flood
Chapter 6: Natural Science and Technology
Science and Technology: A Brief Review of Basic Biblical Worldview and Ethics
The Epistemology of the Natural Sciences:
False Objectivity and Inductive Reasoning
Natural Science: Summary Principles
Chapter 7: Education
Summary Worldview Principles of Education
Chapter 8: Medicine
Modern Medicine Under the Authority of Scripture
Regimen Forgotten: Prescription for Health
Worldview in Medicine: Choosing Life and Health or Disease and Death
Summary Principles of Medicine
Chapter 9: Civil Government, Law, and Politics
The Right to Medical Care Within a Biblical Worldview: The Declaration of Independence and
United States Constitution
A Biblical Perspective on the Problem of Illegal Aliens
Summary Principles of Civil Law, Government, and Politics
Chapter 10: Sociology and Social Justice
The Ecological Indian: Myth and History
Summary Principles of Social Justice
Chapter 11: Anthropology and Salvation
Heart and Head, Affections and Feelings, Edwards and Machen
Anthropology and the Religions of Man
Chapter 12: Economics and Business
Debunking the Politically Correct History of the “Robber Barons”
A Return to Hard Currency in Post-World War II
Germany and France under DeGaulle
Economics: Summary Principles
Chapter 13: Law, Love, Grace, and Justice
An Encounter Concerning the Practical Application of Love and Law with a Learned Professor
The Law (Known and Practiced) Before Sinai
Love, Law, Grace, Mercy, Justice, and Equity
Summary Principles
Chapter 14: Truth, Philosophy, Epistemology, Logic, and Apologetics
Unraveling the Concept of Logic
Epistemology: A Search for Truth Summary Principles
Truth: Concepts, Nuances, and the Holy Bible Comprehensive Review
Chapter 15: Saving Faith and Value
Regeneration: Born-Again, Born from Above
Salvation: Its Phases and Wonderful Fullness:
Often Considered Too Narrowly
Assurance of Salvation: Simply Considered
Chapter 16: Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment: Beginning Summary Principles
Chapter 17: Theology and Eschatology
In Defense of Systematic Theology and Biblical
Systematics in General
Principles of Hermeneutics
Chapter 18: The Church and The Kingdom of God
The Mind of Christ: Abraham Kuyper, John Calvin, and Biblical Theology
The Kingdom of God: Scripture Notes
The Church: Summary Principles
Summary Principles of the Kingdom of God
Chapter 19: Art and Communication
A Concordance Search of “Beauty” and “Beautiful” in the Bible
Art and the Arts: Summary Principles Ethics